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How can a Chiropractor help with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

May 24


Did you know that 1 three people have carpal tunnel syndrome? It is possible that you are looking for relief if you're one of these people. Chiropractic treatment is the best option to treat carpal tunnel syndrome. Chiropractic care can help you as well as which vitamin is most suitable for treating carpal tunnel.

1. What exactly is carpal tunnel syndrome, and what are the symptoms?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that can cause discomfort and numbness of the hand and wrist. The symptoms usually occur when the median nerve is stretched from the forearm towards the hand. It can happen in the event that wrists are bent over long periods of time, or when there is inflammation in the area. Carpal tunnel syndrome may cause dexterity issues as well as hand weakness. While there is no cure for carpal tunnel syndrome there are treatment options that can alleviate symptoms. This includes stretching as well as rest, splinting, and pain medications that are available over the counter. Surgery is also an option for extreme cases. If you think you may suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome it is crucial to visit the doctor to determine the diagnosis.

2. What can chiropractic care do to treat carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome can affect the hands and wrists, causing discomfort, numbness, and tingling. Pressure on the median nerve causes the condition. It is located in the wrist's narrow tunnel called the carpal tunnel. Carpal tunnel syndrome can be managed with chiropractic treatment to reduce pressure on the median nerve. One method chiropractors use to treat this is by Adjusting the bones in the wrist and hand to take pressure off the median nerve. Chiropractic care can also prescribe stretching and exercises to alleviate discomfort. Chiropractic practitioners may recommend nutritional supplements, such as vitamin B6 for pain relief and inflammation. By taking a holistic method of treatment, chiropractors can aid patients to find relief from carpal tunnel syndrome.


3. Are there any risks associated with chiropractic care for carpal tunnel syndrome?

Although there are a variety of treatments for carpal tunnel symptoms, certain people opt for chiropractic treatment. While there are some risks that come with chiropractic treatment for carpal tunnel disorders, such as nerve injuries or tissue damage, these risks are generally minimal. The risk of chiropractic care for carpal tunnel syndrome are lower than those associated with surgery. Chiropractic treatment can also successfully combat symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. It's worth a look for people who have this condition.


4. Chiropractic care can help be used to prevent the development of carpal tunnel syndrome?

Chiropractic care is a sought-after treatment option for patients suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome, however, there is some debate as to whether it can help prevent the condition from developing at all. Regular adjustments could be able to improve the alignment of the wrist and ease pressure on the median nerve according to certain chiropractors. Others contend that this claim is not proven by any evidence. However, many patients who receive chiropractic care for other issues report relief from symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Furthermore, some studies have shown that chiropractic care may help reduce inflammation and increase the range of motion of the wrist. As a result, chiropractic care could aid in preventing carpal tunnel syndrome from developing however further research is required to verify this.

For more information please visit:

Paramount Health Chiropractic

20100 E Jackson Dr Suite A, Independence, MO 64057

(816) 200-7104

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