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Botox Birmingham - Difference Between Acne and Spots

Apr 7

The pain of persistent, ugly, and embarrassing skin acne and spots is not something that always goes away. In fact, it just seems to multiply as time goes on.

Bearing the scars of those spots can make you feel self-conscious and unconfident at times.

You may be wondering, what is the difference between skin surface acne and spots? 

There Are Many Factors That Cause Acne

Hormonal changes


Use of medications, such as steroids and lithium

Greasy cosmetics

Emotional stress


In addition to these factors, some people are more sensitive to oily substances, such as tight collars or backpacks. So, to understand what the difference is between skin acne and spots, we'll look at the different kinds of acne.

What Are the 4 Types of Skin Acne?

There are many different types of skin acne. They may look slightly different and have different causes, but they are all treated in a similar way. The most effective treatments for acne involve the use of topical agents such as benzoyl peroxide and retinoids, oral antibiotics, and in some cases hormonal treatment for women.

There are four main types of skin acne: whiteheads, blackheads, papules, and pustules.

Whiteheads: These are the small, round, white bumps that appear due to clogged pores. These are also known as closed comedones.

Blackheads: These are similar to whiteheads, except that they're open at the surface. They get their black or brown color because the air causes the clogged sebum to oxidize. Blackheads are also known as open comedones.

Papules: If you have papules, you'll have small red bumps on your skin that may feel tender or sore. These often appear due to your body's inflammatory response to acne bacteria.

Pustules: These are pimples with visible pus on top. Like papules, they're caused by your body's inflammatory response to acne bacteria.

Are Acne and Spots the Same Thing?

While both types of acne have common symptoms, the exact difference between acne and spots depends on the stage of the disease.

Acne and spots are both blemishes that appear on the skin. Acne is a medical condition of the skin that is caused by changes in the oil glands. These changes cause the glands to secrete too much oil, which can lead to painful outbreaks. Spots are simply areas of discoloration of the skin, which can be caused by acne or other factors.

Acne vs. Spots

Acne is a medical condition of the skin in which oil glands (sebaceous glands) become blocked with oil and dead cells. The blockage causes an increase in bacteria, which leads to painful outbreaks on the skin. Severe acne can leave acne scars on the skin even after it heals, and most people experience some scarring once their acne clears up.

Spots are simply areas of discoloration on the skin. These can be caused by a variety of factors, including acne, other medical conditions and environmental factors such as sun exposure. Most spots caused by acne will resolve themselves once the acne has healed without any treatment; however, spots caused by other factors may require specific treatment for removal such as Botox, Microdermabrasion, or Chemical Peels from us here at Dr Majid Shah Aesthetics Birmingham.

Care Tips to Prevent Acne and Spots

Acne is a chronic disorder of the pilosebaceous follicles, which affects more than 80% of adolescents and young adults. The greatest risk factors for developing acne are being a teenager and hormonal changes associated with puberty.

A diet high in refined carbohydrates, sugar, or dairy products may also increase your risk of developing acne.

Follow these tips from us to help prevent and treat acne.

  • Wash your face twice a day (no more) with warm water and a mild soap made for people with acne.
  • Gently massage your skin with circular motions, using only your fingertips.
  • Rinse well, and pat dry with a soft towel.
  • Don't scrub your skin or use products that irritate it, such as those that contain alcohol.
  • Shampoo daily if you have oily hair, but avoid letting your hair touch your face or fall forward when you sleep.
  • Avoid popping or squeezing pimples, which can lead to scarring and infection.


Visit Our Skin Care Clinic In Birmingham

Although Botox is primarily used to treat lines, wrinkles, and hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), it also has other uses. One such use is for the treatment of acne and spots.

Three reasons why Botox might be preferred over treatments such as antibiotics for acne and spots:

Botox does not require a prescription, so it is available more readily and quickly than many other treatments. Also, many people prefer to try Botox before resorting to antibiotics or other medications with possible side effects.

The effects of Botox have been proven in clinical studies to last up to four months before the next treatment is required. In comparison, some oral antibiotic treatments require daily doses for up to six months.

We can help you here at our skin care clinic in the West Midlands offering the most effective dermatologist treatment and products for acne. The first step is scheduling a consultation so we can learn more about your symptoms and the severity of your condition.



Dr Majid Shah Aesthetics Birmingham
265B Alcester Rd S
B14 6DT
0121 514 2385

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